Privacy Policy

At Sprint19, we are a company that creates software, and we want you to know that we take your privacy seriously. This means that we have a set of rules that explain what kind of personal information we collect, how we use and protect this information, and what choices we have regarding your personal information. We are committed to keeping your personal information safe and respecting your privacy.

Information We Collect: When you use our website, products, or services, we may gather personal information from you. This information can include your contact details, email address, name, and any other information you willingly provide to us.

How We Use Your Information: The information we collect is used to improve and personalize your experience with our processes and services. This may include providing technical support, analyzing usage data, and sending relevant updates and notifications.

Information sharing: We ensure the confidentiality of your personal information and do not disclose it to any third party unless required by law or with your explicit permission. Nonetheless, we may share anonymized and aggregated information for research or statistical purposes under certain conditions.

Data Security: Ensuring the security of your personal data is of utmost importance to us at our organization. In order to prevent any unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of your information, we have implemented several measures such as encryption technology, regularly updating our security systems, and providing our staff with training on data protection.

Retention of Data: We will retain your personal information only for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned in our privacy policy. However, in the event that we are required by law to keep it for a longer period, we will do so. Once we no longer require your personal information, we will dispose of it securely.

Third-party Links: When browsing our website, you may encounter links that redirect you to third-party websites or services. However, it is important to understand that we are not held accountable for the privacy practices or content of these third-party websites. It is advised that you carefully review the privacy policies of any third-party website you visit.

Your Rights and Choices: You have certain rights related to your personal data, which include the ability to view, modify, or delete your information. Additionally, you may have the option to object to certain data processing activities or request that the use of your information be restricted. To exercise any of these rights or for any questions regarding your privacy, please don't hesitate to contact us using the contact information provided below.

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at [email protected]. We value your feedback and appreciate your trust in us.